Opportunity GrantED Annual Report 2021

Opportunity GrantED 2021 Annual Report
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Annual Report 2021

Dear Opportunity G​​rantED Family,

No one could predict what 2020 would bring us. Teachers and students were challenged in unprecedented ways as we faced a global pandemic. Opportunity GrantED worked with teachers and administrators to find the most effective ways to support them and their students. Flexibility, commitment, and resilience were proven to be invaluable qualities this year. During this challenging time, our donors stood behind our mission and, since August 2020, we were able to raise over $40,000 for our Fall and Spring Grant Cycles. These donations funded 58 grants to help more than 2,000 students in underserved communities in the Chicago Public School system.

Thank you to everyone for helping to continue the work of Opportunity GrantED this year. From the dedicated teachers who participated in our Fall and Spring Grant Cycles, to the donors funding the requests, and to the tireless volunteers helping with behind-the-scenes work, --WE ARE SO GRATEFUL! Opportunity GrantED exists because of our Grant Recipients, Donors, and Volunteers.

Year in Review

Fall Grant Cycle-September 2020

With remote learning throughout CPS, we weren’t sure what our Fall Grant Cycle would look like. What would teachers need to support their students and keep them engaged and connected to their school work? How could Opportunity GrantED make the most meaningful impact? We received 22 grant applications with a total dollar request of over $48,000! Requested items included color printers, books, document cameras, STEM equipment, headphones and digital licenses to be used in remote learning. The majority of our funding purchased digital licenses like NEWSELA, Bookflix, Prodigy, Epic and Imagine Learning to support teachers’ remote learning efforts.

Spring Grant Cycle-March 2021

Our Spring Grant Cycle took place just as students were returning to the classrooms after a year of remote learning. The timing was perfect as teachers were ready to welcome the children back to in-person learning. We awarded 36 grants, including over 200 books, a 3-D printer, materials for science projects, art supplies, flexible seating, printers, document cameras, and video equipment.

Dollars for Devices-Summer 2021

This summer, Opportunity GrantED partnered with Eric Smoot, owner of Redefined Fitness, a local Wilmette business, for a collaborative campaign called Dollars for Devices. This was a separate fundraising initiative from our Fall and Spring Grant Cycles. We had an initial fundraising goal to purchase 100 chromebooks and cases for students from the Sherman School on the southwest side of Chicago who don't have access to devices at their homes. Within days of launching the campaign we met that goal, and then doubled it! We are so excited to provide 200 Chromebooks to students in the coming weeks. Follow us on social media to find out more about when these devices will be delivered.


In the midst of a global pandemic, it was more important than ever to provide essential supplies to those in need. We continued to fundraise through our social media pages and our donor support was overwhelming! We raised more in the last year than we have in any other 12-month span. Since we launched just over 2 years ago, we have raised over $88,000! The work we are able to do is because of our generous donors.

In addition to individual donors, we had several local businesses approach us  for fundraising partnerships, including the Bottle Shop, Chia Leah, Soup Explorers, Beautycounter and Redefined Fitness. We are so thankful to these businesses for supporting our mission and helping to fund more grants. Please contact us at info@opportunity-granted.org if you have any partnership opportunities for Opportunity GrantED!

Ways to Support Opportunity GrantED

We are so grateful for all of the support we have received over these last two years. If you are looking for ways to get involved with Opportunity GrantED, we ask for your help in any of the following ways:

Thank You Donors

With deep appreciation for our donors, Opportunity GrantED funded 58 grants during the 2020-2021 school year. Below are our donors who contributed from August 2020-August 2021.

Donations up to $249


Jack Andrus

Melisa Bowie

Lisa Cohen

Jeff and Kristen Danielson

Julia and Ben Goebel

Matthew Moline

Aimee Koski

Rebecca Lieber

Alison and Rob Lisiak

Sara and Matt Winstanley

Wynette and Clay Barnard

Carrie and Steve Fowler

Linda Yeh-Ostrinksy, Soup Explorers

Jenine and Owen Tubergen

Brenda Werth

Donations of $250-$499

Emily Axelrod

Wendy and Jud Baker

Gary and Sue Carpenter

Eric and Kim Simon

Robin and Craig Thompson

Donations of $500-$999

Rachel Arend, Beautycounter

Leah Bostrom, Chia Leah

Nicole and Chad Goven

Elizabeth Lightbody

The Truszkowski Family Foundation

Donations of $1000-$4999

Cara and Carter Andrus

Bill and Sallie Bowie

Jan Bowie

Toby and Michele Coffey

Dean and Laura Egerter

Richard and Mair Hill

Cynthia and David Hughey

Eric Jacks

Amy Lafontant, Bottle Shop

Bruce Lyons

Lisa and Rich Peters

David and Lisa Peterson

Donations of $5000 plus

Kristen and Ryan Bowie
William H. Bowie Foundation
Kim and Matt Peters
Sarah Schmidt

OG Grants in Action

In our Spring Grant Cycle, we awarded CPS art teacher, Maura Walsh, with various art supplies including 50 boxes of neon oil pastels. In her application, she explained how new art supplies can impact her students’ work.

“Oil pastels are really a game changer for all the art lessons. The students really notice a difference in their drawings when they see how well the colors blend the together. It gives them a richer color experience and they BLEND so fabulously. Whereas crayons are fine for elementary, the oil pastels take everything up a notch. And if I can introduce the students to something better, I'm all over it.

I've bought many classroom packs of oil pastels, however I haven't tried these new neon ones that I picked out and I know they will be so excited to use them, as will I.”

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